Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

What Makes You Happy?

2 min readJun 20, 2019


Last year I suffered a concussion, and it sidelined me for a few months. While the recovery process was slow, the hardest part was struggling through the depression that came along with it. To lift my spirits, I made a short list of things that make me happy — and I tried to do at least one of those things every day.

At the beginning of 2019, along with a list of intentions for the year, I also expanded on my happy list. As I was making my list, I got curious about what others would put on their list, and if any themes would emerge.

I wrote about two dozen letters to friends and included a sheet of paper titled, ‘Things That Make Me Happy’. I asked all my friends to fill out their list and send me a photo.

While everyone’s list was unique, most of the lists were strikingly similar. Here are the top 5 themes that emerged and some examples.

1. People

  • Sharing a meal and laughing and sharing stories with family or close friends
  • FaceTiming or calling to catch-up with family
  • Meeting someone new

2. Traveling and the Outdoors

Watching a sunrise or sunset or taking in an amazing view

Traveling and exploring new places and road-trips

Being in the mountains, on a warm beach, or under the stars

3. Hygge*

  • Warm drinks, comfy socks, wine, coffee, fireplaces, fresh sheets and warm blankets, freshly baked goods, candles, cuddling and quality time with that special someone, receiving hand-written letters

*Hygge, pronounced “hoo-ga,” this Danish concept encompasses a feeling of cozy contentment

4. Being creative and engaged

  • Writing, making music, creating art, learning something new, reading a good book, cooking

5. Movement

  • Running, biking, or backpacking
  • Dancing

My happy list is taped to the back of my bedroom door now, and it’s a good reminder to do these things more often :)

What makes you happy? Leave a comment and let me know!

