12 Email Closings You See At Work And What They Actually Mean
1. Cheers
Just in case you were wondering if I’ve been binge watching “The Crown.”
2. Warmly
If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here…
3. Sincerely/Sincerely yours
I’m a time traveler from the year 1889.
4. Best/Best wishes
I’m as weird as these sound saying them out loud.
5. Thanks in advance
You better believe I’m gonna hound the sh*t out of you when you don’t respond.
6. Hugs
I could really use a friend, or two, right now.
7. Xoxo
I’m actually in high school, I’m not sure how I got your email.
8. Thanks
If we’re forced to collaborate, we might as well be civil about it.
9. Take care
I’m the guy that puts his LinkedIn profile at the bottom of his personal email.
10. Regards
You annoy me to no end.
11. Thanks!
False motivation is better than no motivation.
12. Thx
My internship just got cut short…
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